
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

I took this class knowing it would challenge me and more than likely get on my nerves--which it did--but I do not regret taking the course. I have learned writing skills beyond the write, revise, and finalize that comes with every paper written. This class taught me how to write with purpose and revise to make the purpose clear. Writing about myself in the first paper came as a shocker. I don’t like talking about myself, but I came in with an open mind. When it came time to workshops, I received positive feedback and pointers from my peers that helped steer me in the right direction and honestly give me a little more confidence in my writing. I chose to write my narrative about living with anxiety. Throughout the whole paper I tried to …show more content…

Throughout the rest of this paper, I continued to add more concrete visuals to keep my reader’s attention while still fixing the micro issues such as writing my sentences in a more organized manner. One sentence I struggled to write to make my intentions more clear was talking about my best friend’s car accident: “ To this day, I do not know what caused the accident, but I have a strong feeling that the driver was distracted.” It did not occur to me when I originally wrote this sentence that I based a lot of my idea off of a hunch. In order to fix this, I wrote two new sentences. “The cause of the accident is unclear but it still happened. Whether it be distracted driving or falling asleep behind the wheel, the driver is still responsible.” My revised version of this sentence still has the same idea, but more of a broad way of putting it. I tried to get rid of the “hunch” feeling and just say how it is.
The next paper I wrote was my classification essay. Humor is not something that comes easy to me when I am writing. There were many failed attempts to get this paper where it needed to be. Fitting humor into this paper without being overly wordy, was more challenging than I thought it would be. My topic was the three types of grocery shoppers and how they contribute to the experience of other shoppers. In my mind, this topic was going to be so easy to add humor to

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