
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

We are all strong. Some people never realize this, but everybody has an inner warrior. While it’s true that not everyone has great physical power, but mentally and emotionally everybody has some kind of strength. For me, I am not physically as robust or as athletic as some, but mentally I am strong. There are times when I bring myself down, but I know that my strong mind will soon return to its normal balance and pick me back up. There are times when I am down and I feel I may never be the same, but no matter what my mental strength lends a hand, and returns me to my ordinary routine. The perfect example of my strong mind is my relationship with swimming. My beloved sport, swimming, is meant for someone with a strong mental mind. Therefore, feel like I was born to swim.
For instance, this summer I signed up for a summer long course team, this team started practice at 7:30 each morning for 2 grueling months. During these months, I exhausted myself working on various techniques that would help me go faster and perfect all 4 strokes. These long, hard and monotonous mornings carried on and began to drag me down little by little. The cold pool, hard practices, and the imperfect sets only seemed to discourage me. I began to feel as if I were drowning in all my despair. These long and hard days brought me back to remembering when I started swimming. I loved the sport, it was my passion, and these days were making me long to feel the way I once had about my true passion. I felt

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