
How Does Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

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Throughout “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge was a really mean, hateful, selfish mister, I felt like he would never change, he was a man you wouldn’t want to hang out with. Scrooge became, to me the worse guy and the most selfish. Then, Scrooge went from being a hateful mister to a genuinely good person. He, was visited by The Ghosts Of Christmas Past, then Present, and lastly by Future. The Ghost Of Christmas Past visited Scrooge. Scrooge sees his little sister, saying that his father wants him home, the evidence of this is Fan saying, “Dear, dear brother, I have come to bring you home.” “Yes! Home, for good and all! Father is so much kinder than he used to be, home’s like heaven!” The effect of this is that Scrooge is thinking of others and also Scrooge shows emotion. The proof of Scrooge thinking of others and showing emotion is him saying, “Oh, dear, dear little sister Fan… I loved her!” Another cause of Scrooge changing is, Past shows Scrooge the Christmas party, the effect to Scrooge is it reminds Scrooge of important people in his life, the evidence of this is Scrooge saying, “Why, it’s old Fizziwig! Bless his heart, it’s Fezziwig alive again!” …show more content…

Present shows the Cratchit’s home. The effect was Scrooge feels bad because he saw Tiny Tim and realized he doesn’t pay them enough and when he seen Tiny Tim he was in bad contain, the evidence of this is Scrooge saying, “Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will live.”Fifteen shillings a week’s what he gets!”. Another cause of Scrooge changing was present sprinkles kindness on mean and/or poor people, the evidence is scrooge saying, “What is it you sprinkle from your torch?” Then Present replying, “Kindness.” The effect to this is Present is showing Scrooge how to be

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