
The Ghost Of Christmas Present

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With this section of the novel concluding, the audience has an invested a substantial amount of hope in the possibility of scrooge altering his miserable ways. Evidenced here ‘"No. I should like to be able to say a word or two to my clerk just now! That 's all." Showing the audience that Scrooge is starting to comprehend all the lives he has affected negatively.

By this part in the novel, dickens introduced the next Ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Present. The ghost of Christmas present takes Scrooge to his clerk`s house. Here he witness the unfortunate conditions of their Christmas, however, it doesn’t appear to be so unfortunate at all; although Scrooge notices how Tiny Tim is crippled and at deaths door. He is moved by this sight, and that of his clerk’s family. He had never imagined their lives to be like this before; however it’s astonishing to him, that although extremely poor, they are full of joy and happiness. He notices the simple pleasures of family life as well. Furthermore something strange begins to happen, he sympathises with Tiny Time, who Scrooge understands will die without financial help. Dickens has showed us how scrooge is changing and learning to sympathise, a “skill” he previously didn’t have. "Spirit," said Scrooge, with an interest he had never felt before, "tell me if Tiny Tim will live." ' Dickens once more showing us scrooges new found affections. Additionally when the Spirit predicts “an empty chair if things do not change”, Scrooge is quite

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