
understand and enable positive interaction and communication with individuals who have dementia

Decent Essays

Unit 371 – Understand and enable positive interaction and
Communication with individuals who have dementia.

1.1 Losing the ability to communicate can be one of the most frustrating and difficult problems for people with dementia, their families and carers. As the illness progresses, a person with dementia experiences a gradual lessening of their ability to communicate. They find it more and more difficult to express themselves clearly and to understand what others say.
Each person with dementia is unique and difficulties in communicating thoughts and feelings are very individual. There are many causes of dementia, each affecting the brain in different ways. Some changes include:
Difficulty in finding a word. A related word might …show more content…

1.3 If a person’s hearing or sight is impaired, body language and tone of voice will become more important. They may also need to learn new skills such as sign language or lip reading in order to be able to communicate. Making sure the person's glasses is the correct prescription, that their hearing aids are working properly, that they are looking at your face when you speak so that they can lip read, keeping your communication simple and clear, using visual prompts, light touches to their arms to gain attention etc.
If a condition or impairment develops suddenly, you’ll need to re-evaluate your methods of communication with that person. It might feel strange at first, but you might need to consider your tone of voice, how quickly you speak and how you use body language and gestures to emphasise what you are saying. It’s a good idea to express this to the person you care for and find out what helps them or makes your communication clearer.

1.4 The impact the behaviours of carers and others may have on an individual with dementia include becoming more confused and frustrated as they do not understand what you are telling, are using body language that suggests something different to what you are saying. They may feel you are telling them off or

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