
Dem 308 Understand the Role of Communication and Interactions with Individuals Who Have Dementia

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DEM 308 Understand the role of communication and interactions with individuals who have dementia

1. Understand that individuals with dementia may communicate in different ways

1.1 Explain how individuals with dementia may communicate through their behaviour

The way a person is behaving is usually a good indicator of what they are trying to communicate, especially if they have difficulty expressing their feelings with words. Body language will also provide clues. People wish to be heard and validated and the way they behave may indicate how they are feeling. so a person presenting as angry may be feeling frustrated. People presenting as sad may be experiencing vivid memories of a past event that seems very real and current to …show more content…

It is important to her that I keep reminding her of the time of day, day of the week etc. and also she needs constant reassurance about where her daughter is. This helps to keep the client from feeling lost in her day.

2.2 Explain how positive interactions with individuals who have dementia can contribute to their wellbeing

Positive interactions can help reduce agitation caused by frustration and give a person a feeling that they do matter. By lending an understanding ear to someone with Alzheimer's to verbalize their frustrations, worries and fears, the negative emotions can diminish. This will contribute to better cognitive functioning and behaviour. Dementia can be a lonely illness and giving someone you time and undivided attention can help them to remain centred and calm.

2.3 Explain the importance of involving individuals with dementia in a range of activities
Cognitive stimulation can help to slow the decline of dementia in the early stages. Stimulation helps to keep the processes of the brain functioning.
Boredom and frustration are the two most common causes of challenging behaviour in with dementia. Taking part in a physical or mental activity can provide a welcome distraction from the stresses of the illness and can help to focus them on the positive and fun aspects of life. Activity can be as simple as holding a conversation, singing or going for a walk and discussing what is seen.

2.4 Compare a reality orientation

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