
Short Term 12 Research Paper

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Room is lasting because it will live forever, and in its endlessness, it will continue to motivate generations after we are all gone. It is one of the best films of the new millennium and after its two superior hours, you turn out to a person who has a new appreciation for the tiny miracles of life that are usually ignored. Room is a transitory moment in time and I will always remember it with affection because of there is no way in hell I am watching it again. Jack’s relationship with his Ma that gives both personifications of Room their force of feeling, and on these terms the movie is entirely successful. Larson drew well-deserved praise for her breakout performance as a counselor for troubled teens in “Short Term 12,” and the demands of that role, with its balance of tenderness and tough love, were in some ways an ideal warm-up for the startling display of mama-lion intensity she unleashes here.

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