
Online College Class Assignment Analysis

Decent Essays

I was becoming stressed as the time was getting closer and closer to midnight. I knew that I had to get this assignment done before I procrastinate any longer. I may have a small problem with procrastination, however, I had tried not to for this assignment. This is my first online college class and I wasn't sure what to expect as I am only a Sophmore in high school. Even though it is a practice assignment about plagiarism, I still wanted to do my best. My hands were shaking I as was trying to finish writing the paper. I kept hitting the wrong letters, which was not helping me. I only have one more paragraph to go and it was already eleven thirty. When I finally finished writing, I gave it a once over just to be sure that I had fixed all spelling mistakes. I went up to the left corner of my computer screen to click save. I brought up the BGSU website and logged in. I …show more content…

It took me a couple of days to decide what book to choose. When I finally chose and was ready to start my paper, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do. I think that I have a good idea of what to do, however, I wasn't positive. I wrote my paper even though I wasn't sure that I was doing it right. By the time I had even thought to contact my professor it was the night it was due. I had already wrote and proofread the assignment, however, I didn't feel that I was doing it right. Panic began to rise in my chest as j realized that I had to pass this assignment if I wanted a chance of passing the class. I had to turn it in now because the time was just after eleven forty. I clicked submit not even aware that I didn't feel the need to make sure it was the right assignment. I was really nervous to get the results back. I had to pass. When I got the email that it was graded I hesitated. When I worked up the courage to read the feedback. I felt a grin make its way onto my face. I had passed this assignment with flying

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