
John Brown 's Life And Life

Decent Essays

John Brown came from a line of men who were passionate about their convictions. In 1620, Peter Brown, a passenger aboard the Mayflower and signer of the Mayflower Compact, began the Brown legacy in America (Weiser). John Brown’s grandfather, his namesake, was a captain in the Revolutionary War when he lost his life to dysentery while fighting for his beliefs in 1776. He left behind his wife and ten children, including his five year old son, Owen Brown.
When his father died, Owen Brown’s family suffered. Without any help, the family’s crops failed that year, and they were forced to sell their cattle. The family tried to maintain their farm, but the fierce winter the next year made things even more difficult; most of their remaining …show more content…

Owen Brown continued this pattern, but once he turned nineteen, he met Ruth Mills, a reverend’s daughter. Their biggest similarity was the importance of religion in their lives; they were both devout Calvinists. Calvinism is a division of Protestantism. Calvinists believe that people are naturally selfish and unwilling to follow God. They also believe in predestination, or that God has already chosen who is going to be saved, and there is nothing one can do to alter that decision. This focus on religion was passed down to the couple’s children, and would prove a defining factor in John Brown’s life.
Another event that shaped Owen Brown’s views on slavery occurred in the 1790’s. In the 1770’s, a minister had traveled to Connecticut, and he had brought his slaves with him. The man returned to the South for a while, leaving his slaves behind. When he returned to retrieve his slaves, they would not return with him. This act of defiance led to a public hearing where the minister defended the act of slavery. Brown found his arguments unsettling, and became an abolitionist (Horn, 18). In 1793, Owen Brown and Ruth Mills were married and they remained in Norfolk, Connecticut. They then had a son, Salmon, who died before he turned two. After this disappointment, the two moved to Torrington, Connecticut and had their second son. In his autobiography, Owen Brown wrote, “In 1800, May 9, John was

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