
Was John Brown A Terrorist Essay

Decent Essays

Was John Brown a terrorist or was John Brown a hero? This question has probably not been asked many times but since the question has been aroused, let it be answered.
The question of was John Brown a terrorist or a hero is more of a question asking for an opinion than a question asking for a clear, definitive answer. To a great deal (almost all) of the Southern slave owners, John Brown was definitely thought of as a terrorist because he was a white man who was willing to stand up and die for what he believed in, which was that the enslavement of blacks (negroes) was wrong morally and he did not care if he was killed because of it. John Brown was seen as a terrorist to some because of the fact that he was the man who had orchestrated a raid in which he ended up killing five men in Kentucky and had he captured the armory at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (now Harpers Ferry, West Virginia), he probably would have gone on a killing rampage of more Southern white slave- owners and in turn caused more fear and hatred from the slave-owners onto himself.
To many in the anti-slavery and abolitionist North, John Brown was seen as a driving force and as a martyr because of the fact that he was not afraid to die for his beliefs and what he believed …show more content…

There are two crucial facts that must be remembered, John Brown’s parents were insane just take a look and you will find out that being insane was a hereditary thing in his family (he and a lot of his other family members/ relatives were admitted into a mental asylum for insane and/or crazy people). And finally, the last reason for some people thinking of John Brown as a hero is the fact that he believed that he was God’s chosen ‘’warrior” and that God himself had chosen him (John Brown) to lead the slaves to freedom and to end slavery in America

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