
English Class Analysis

Decent Essays

During my time as a student, I have taken part in a broad spectrum of English classes. Some of these classes have been a delightful experience, and others have been subpar. The most recent class that I was in was one that I would categorize as the second of the two. The last English class that I was in was enrolled in was English II. The class itself was not entirely misfortunate, and had identifiable high points; however, it just was not a class that I would describe as fulfilling. In this class, I experienced one of the worst moments of my life, discovered a weakness that was holding me back, and also experienced one of the best days of my high school career.
Throughout this class, the teacher constantly reminded us of how miserable it was being a teacher. She would always tell us that if we were considering a career in education, we should come …show more content…

While I loved them dearly and they are like family to me, these friends were what I soon identified as my weakness. Whenever I have friends in my classes, my work ethic is inhibited, and my progress is limited. Whenever the time arrived for us to write something, I would usually jot down an average of two sentences-on a good day-and then turn my focus to my peers. I knew that the ability to write was inside of me, but I had prioritized my social life. This was irresponsible on my part, but school was the only time I got to see them before I got my license, so I savored every moment of the classes I had with them. As a writer, I realized that, in order for me to actually make progress, I needed a quiet work environment where I am either by myself or surrounded by strangers. Obviously, considering the fact that I am a student among around 1,000 others, this ideal cannot be met in the classroom. Since I had discovered this weakness and diagnosed it early on in the class, I was able to accomplish a major goal, thus brings me to one of my highest points in my high school

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