
Why Teens Should Be Allowed To Write Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Young writers today are only being forced to write on boring topics or do not have to chance to pick their own topics. According to “What Teens Tell Us Encourages Them to Write” title, teens are not learning the writing content and process skills needed to succeed in continuing education and the workplace. Teacher make students writes because it in the syllabus but do not allow the students to think through them enough. If you need to write and think about it, you will have to get enough time but recent studies have shown that many students are given inadequate writing instruction, little time to practice writing in classroom environment, and a few opportunities to write longer research-type papers. Teachers needs to explains clearly to students in order to make them think through the work. …show more content…

Students are not given the chance to write about a topic that they enjoy. For example, I like to write research paper so if am not given the chance to chose, then l do not enjoy writing what am told to write. Researchers have found that teens get greater enjoyment from the writing they do outside of school than the writing they do in school. Half (49%) of teens enjoy the writing they do for themselves compared with just 17% who enjoy the writing they do for school. In total, nearly one third of teens say they enjoy their school writing “not much” (22%) or “not at all” (10%). Teens enjoy personal writing because there is more time to practice and a lot of opportunities. Writing personal or choosing your own topic helps teens to do a wide range of writing activities. Teens who write most often outside of school are happy about it because you get the topic of your choice. In the future, teachers should give students the chance to pick their own topic and that will help increase the enjoyment of

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