
My Experience In Writing

Decent Essays

While writing might seem like a simple task, it can be a daunting task for a lot of people. Sometimes it can be hard to express the ideas in your mind in the words of a paper. This results in a disconnect with what a writer may actually think. A great writer is one that can transform his thoughts into words perfectly. This is a craft that takes many years to perfect, which is why writing is troublesome for a lot of us. Many students also have had bad experiences with writing. Maybe they had a teacher that didn’t try to support them and their writing. They might not have ever gotten the help they needed and may feel that they are in a hole where their writing can’t get better. At this point, they just accept that their writing will never get better.
I have felt like this many times in the past, so I can completely understand the way a lot of people feel about writing. I have noticed that it has always taken a great teacher to help me get past these points. Those teachers take the time to empower me and truly help me improve my writing. It takes more than just some markings on a paper for someone to improve their writing. I have noticed that if I am able to have a conversation about my writing with a teacher, they can better understand what I am trying to convey, and therefore can show me a better way to express my ideas through my writing. These connections I have had with some of my teachers have really empowered me and my writing greatly.
Writing for me can be frustrating

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