
Walking and New Places

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I'm a very adventurous person who loves to go new places and try new things. My eagerness to travel has long been rooted with my faith. Six years ago I decided to go along on a mission trip with my church to Milwaukee , Wisconsin. This trip first ignited my fondness for traveling and going new places. The experience proved to be so fulfilling I continued to go around the country with my church, meeting new people from all walks of life. I've gone on seven different trips to places from Rapid City, South Dakota all the way to Queens, New York. Each trip was unique and rewarding. After my last trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in the summer of 2005. I was left with a slight distaste. Don't get me wrong, I loved the trip and had …show more content…

We began our trek back into the darkness. A darkness so dark you wouldn't be able to tell the difference if a black rag was tied around your eyes. After walking not more then ten steps the guide stopped and shined his flashlight to the left in between to large trees. There stood not more than ten feet away a full grown elephant, the light flashed off his ivory tusks

making them look like two large daggers. My heart began to beat fast and loud, like an African drum being beat at a fast rhythm. I could feel the adrenaline pump through my entire body. We were all frozen with fear and aw. The guide told us to continue walking and so we did. We walked about forty feet along the path and then stopped and waited for the guide to come back. He walked back with a smile upon his face. He thought it was funny how shocked we all were. This was an everyday thing for the man. He then asked who lived in cabin 5A, and two ladies walked from the back of the group and the guide told us to wait here while he brought them back to their cabin. So here we were alone in the darkness as the guide brought the woman to their cabin. We all stood in complete silence believing that if we talked the elephant would surely hear us and come charging. As I was registering what just happened the two woman and the guide came back. "what happened," exclaimed a man with large glasses and a untidy mustache. You could tell just by looking at the woman that

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