
Analysis Of Elephant In The Village Of The Blind

Decent Essays

“The Prodigal Son”, “The Boy who Cried Wolf”, or “The Mouse and the Lion” are all stories that are commonly well-known, however few people recognize them as parables. The parable is a figure of speech characterized by a short narrative, in prose or verse, full of symbols, allegory, and analogy to convey a moral or religious message. The word ‘parable’ comes from the Greek language and means ‘comparison, illustration, analogy’. The two thousand years old Buddhist story “The Elephant in the Village of the Blind’ portraying simple story, demonstrating universal moral, and using symbols and analogy is the evident representative of the parable. To start with, the narrative in “The Elephant in the Village of the Blind” is very simple; the main …show more content…

“The Elephant in the Village of the Blind” shows us that in life, we frequently attempt to comprehend the world around us by the way we see it. Nevertheless, our understanding is limited by our experiences, knowledge, beliefs, moral systems, education, opinions, influence of others, etc. In this sense, we are metaphorically “blind”, as are the villagers. For this reason, some people in the story saw the animal as “a fringed rope” (line 13) and others as “a cool, smooth stuff” (line 14), which is clear juxtaposition. Moreover, when we are not familiar with something we are trying to define it, before fully understanding it. The clear moral of this parable is that we rarely see the things as they are, we see the things as we are. Additionally, using analogy and many symbols, parable contrasts human behavior in the story and human behavior in the larger perspective. Parable is often identified with fable, but whereas parable uses people as main characters, fable uses animals’ personifications. In the discussed story, the main character is the elephant. As noted, the animal is in the center of the narration, but the elephant doesn’t personify human beings. The author(s) chose the elephant in this story, because it’s exotic, huge, and unlike all other animals. The elephant in this parable is the symbol of unknown. We often face against elephants in our lives. The challenge, as mentioned in the earlier paragraph, is not to judge the

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