
The Matrix And Charlie Angels

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Everyone has their own movie preference. There are people who adore the hardcore action and there are some who prefer the slow paced drama. Many individuals may not like a movie because of the genre it is in. A genre is a categorization of certain types of movies based upon their style, form, or content. The genre is a vital component of a film since it characterizes which course the plot line will go and allows to prepare yourself for that film. Movie genre is the term used to differentiate between various number of films. There are around five fundamental groups that are big and prevalent i.e. Action, Horror, Comedy, Science fiction. In this essay ,I will be comparing two films, The Matrix and Charlie Angels. I will discuss the use of cinematography, the genres of the films, and how effective they are. I will also look at the characters, action, plot ,sound and atmosphere created, and how these are aimed at each film 's target audience.
Charlie 's Angels is an action comedy film, which borrows ideas from other well-known movies such as 'Mission Impossible ', 'James Bond ' etc. It is not very original or challenging, has a weak and predictable plot, and is merely an update on the 1970 's television series of the same name. The film is based on a trio of beautiful women who are hired to retrieve a man and his technology. They achieve this by working together, using their intelligence, a series of cunning plans, combined with an impressive display of girl power.

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