
Steven Spielberg 's Classic Saving Private Ryan

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A film genre is a motion picture category based on similarities in either the narrative elements or the emotional response to the film. While films have at least one major genre, there are a number of films that are considered crossbreeds or hybrids with three or four coinciding genre or sub-genre types that they can be identified with them and most can be filed into categories that are easily recognizable to audiences (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 1998, p. 4.1). However, ever so seldom a film comes along that breaks free of its invisible bounds of genre and it leaves the audiences confused about the actual existence of genre. One such film is a film that most are familiar with Steven Spielberg’s classic Saving Private Ryan. Saving Private Ryan will always be remembered among the best war movies ever made. It does what every prodigious war movie should, it takes a realistic look at war and shows us the horrific side of war intelligently. The plot is marvelously original; eight men are sent behind enemy lines to rescue one soldier, Private Ryan (Matt Damon). Ryan is the only remaining son in his family; his three brothers have all died in action recently. Gen. George Marshall is so touched by Mrs. Ryan’s dilemma, who unfortunately learns of the deaths of her three sons on the same day, and orders that her only remaining heir, Ryan, be returned home immediately. The holdup to the plan is that Ryan parachuted into Normandy on D-Day, and the Army has no idea where Ryan is or if he is

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