
The Importance Of Creative Writing

Decent Essays

Creative Writing is an unique class. The class lets students express their feelings, write them, discuss what’s there, and allow a story to flow from them. Creative Writing has allowed students to learn in a way not focused on point objectives, but on understanding and using the information taught in important ways. This has really helped emphasize the importance and impact of writing. With this, it seems possible that having more classes that use this format could improve the impact writing skills taught in school have on students. One small way to help more students become interested and impacted is by generating an Advanced c writing class.
To understand why students would benefit with an advanced creative writing class, the issues with the education system have to be discussed. School is based on a schedule system. People are compared though age, then sent through classes. This was developed during the industrial revolution, but this has become dated compared to new methods. R.C. Smith discussed these issues in his essay “A Critique of Ken Robinson’s Presentation”. This essay was published to enhance the points Sir Ken Robinson made in his video, “Changing Education”. One of the points addressed in the video is the effect of this industrial education system on students. In his argument, Robinson claims that this system was “driven by an economic imperative of the time” (Robinson) and is not beneficial to students. Diane Tavenner, CEO of Summit Public Schools, explained

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