
The Impact On The Australian Home Front

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In August 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, an immense wave of support flooded Britain from her ally, Australia. All Australian political parties, community leaders, newspapers and churches were on-board with this major movement to help the mother country. All believed it was a morally right and necessary commitment . World War I, 1914 – 1918 had a significant and long lasting impact on the Australian home front. ‘The civilian population ’ had to undergo many changes to cater for the war. At this time women’s push for a larger role in the war effort caused a significant and long lasting impact on the Australian home front, which has helped shape workplace gender equality today. Conscription also impacted the Australian home front, meaning, compulsory enlistment of people in military service. As well as the massive impact on Australia’s economy from the many trading cancellations through abandoned or cut off allies, which has helped build Australia’s economy to what it is today.

Prior to WWI, women were considered as unemployable and only worthy for teaching and small shop keeping jobs. Unlike other countries like Germany and Britain during the war that allowed women to take on the ‘male’ roles in society, the Australian government refused to let women take up such roles. Instead women started organisations such as The Australian Comfort Fund (ACF) who sent ‘comfort boxes’ to the boys on the front line. These contained cakes, cigarettes and other luxury items . The

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