
The Benefits of World War One on Australia Essay

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It is well recognised that World War 1 was a traumatic experience for the Australian nation. It claimed 60,000 young lives and another 156,000 men were wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner. But when the trauma abated, it became apparent that Australian society had been changed permanently and positively. Some of the gains realised by Australia as a result of her involvement in WWI included a newfound maturity as a nation, the respect and recognition of other nations, new opportunities for trade and industry, a greater recognition of women’s rights and a massive economic and population boost due to post war immigration programs. This web-site has been created to show you some of the benefits of World War One on Australia.

Economy and Trade: …show more content…

This was good for both countries, as Britain was struggling with the repatriation of many of its soldiers, and unemployment was at record highs in that country, and Australia desperately needed its population to rise to help develop a new nation. This incentive program was ultimately very successful, with over 300 000 (Bereson, 2000) British nationals emigrating to Australia, bringing skills, labour force and population growth to drive the economy forward. One component of this immigration program was that offered involved land settlements to Allied ex-servicemen, and 17 000 ex-soldiers took this opportunity. This led to greater farm and industry production, which fed the growth of a young Australia.

International Standing
Prior to World War 1, Australians on the whole suffered due to their geographical isolation, which technology had yet to defeat. Transport was solely by arduous sea journey, which restricted travel and communication with the rest of the world. The mass transfer of Australian youth to fight in Europe enabled the world to see for the first time the unique culture which was developing in this far away land. Recognition and respect was quickly given for the courage, good humour and strength in adversity displayed by Australian soldiers. The easy going egalitarian troops challenged the military norms of their British counterparts. While this

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