
Sq 777 Research Paper

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There's a lot of controversy over the State Question 777. Some say vote yes, some say vote no. I hope this presentation will help you make up your minds. This is the sign you see all the time If not, you haven't taken a drive to Tulsa or Pryor. I believe that SQ 777 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and will devastate family farms. I do not support SQ 777. and Why should anyone who doesn't farm or ranch care about Question 777, the Right To Farm amendment? Simple, because each and every one of us relies on agriculture to feed us, clothe us, and drive our economy. In Oklahoma, there are 80,000 farms and ranches, 98% of which are family owned and operated. That may seem like a …show more content…

Oklahoma's farmers contribute more than $8 Billion to the state's economy and support tens of thousands of jobs. Now is the time to stand up, and defend those hard-working family farmers and ranchers that do so much for us. Right To Farm will shield them from needless red-tape, and attacks from out of state special interests. That way, they can do what they do best: Grow great tasting, nutritious food we can all enjoy...and afford. Now that was the vote yes part of it my big question of don't we already have the right to farm? This came straight from a government website Oklahomans are proud of our farming and ranching way of life. Family farms are passed from generation to generation. SQ 777 masquerades as being for farmers when in fact it gives all of the advantages to large industrialized factory farms and foreign corporations that have been putting Oklahoma farmers off their land for generations. Why on earth would Oklahoma voters remove our rights, at the state level, to set the rules and standards for how we raise crops and animals? This leaves all the power in the hands of the federal government. Protect our state’s right to set our own rules. SQ 777 will lead to massive litigation and millions of dollars spent in courtrooms as judges try and sort out all of the far reaching and unintended consequences of this sloppily worded measure. The only winners here will be the trial lawyers. Vote no on …show more content…

According to the kirkpatrick’s foundation Is SQ 777 bad for swine, poultry, and other farm animals? Yes. SQ 777 would prevent the Legislature from updating or enacting reasonable regulations to protect or improve conditions for animals unless the laws meet the highest level of scrutiny demanded by the “compelling state interest” phrase. Meanwhile, there are no federal laws governing the way farm animals are raised. In Oklahoma, hogs, pigs, and chickens suffer the most in terms of extreme

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