
Sharecropping After Civil War

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After the Civil War the Unite States dealt with the after math of rebuilding the country. The Reconstruction, which was from 1865 to 1877, was the period in which the country attempted to reunite the South and North. The conditions of the North and South were different because of many things, especially there economic stands. The North during this time depended on factories and other modern companies as their main source of wealth. The South was more dependent on farming and agriculture. Before the Civil War, the South was extremely dependent on farming which was worked by the slaves. However after the passing of the 13th Amendment which outlawed any forms of slavery, the South had to somehow maintain a source of income without slaves. Since much of the South didn’t have enough resources to create factories, just like those in the North, the plantation owners relied on new methods of farming. Sharecropping was the most popular technique used by plantation owners. This meant plantation owners would lend land to people and they would receive some of the crops yield. Since poor white people were in need of land, most sharecroppers were in fact white. Since many southern plantation owner wanted to keep slavery methods, they would take an excessive amount of yield, especially white black sharecroppers. Meanwhile in the …show more content…

Railroads were a major part of Northern and even Southern economies. Railroads, which were expanded on 1860, were used to transport crop productions from the south the North. Cotton, Indigo, tobacco, corn and more were sold to Northern markets. Since the South weren’t fully ready or capable to imitate a Northern way of income, they heavily relied on this way of income. In the North, Chicago was seen as the railroad capital. Most goods were sent through this city and Chicago became extremely wealthy later on in

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