
Research Paper On Food Waste

Decent Essays

Food Wastes

Food Waste is a major issue in the United States. It takes up much needed room in landfills, it is a financial burden, and it contributes to the rise in hunger.

Why does wasting food cost a lot? Why do people let food rot in a landfill? Why would rotten food be sold in stores?

The idea of wasting food is terrible idea. We all need food to survive and live on this planet. But, the problem is that some people just doesn't know how valuable food is because, we can think of ways to give it all away. There are starving people and there are 3 reasons food is being wasted.

1. Wastes money because, "One government tally 66 million tons of produce worth about $160 billion is wasted by stores"

2. Causes world hunger by, "leaving it in a field to rot."

3. Rotten food is being sold in stores

The amount of money being used to make landfills Is expensive, because we need the money to pay bills and taxes but instead, the money is being used for putting rotten …show more content…

They have been offering it for 6 cents a pound for a week. Which can be pretty good in some situations. There is a lot of hunger and starvation in the united states , so how come they haven't been able to find a home? Because, the world keeps wasting the money we need for our everyday environment. According to article, "Giant chain stores often argue that they are operating in customers' interest."

Rotten food is being sold to the American citizens, which is a big fat no no. When people eat, that rotten food they eat can get various of things such as tape worms and just an every day stomach virus. When people leave things out at the produce section, like meat overnight, food will rot and that is gross When multiple people get sick in one country it spreads which means the whole country will be sick. Approximately, the world could be endangered if we

eat or have rotten food in our system. We could all be dead if we don't stop the waste of food in the united

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