
Food Waste Shakman Analysis

Decent Essays

Reducing Food Waste and Saving Money

An article by Andrew Shakman titled “2016 Food Waste Forecast” shows just how big of a problem food waste is globally. “This past year was the biggest yet for people working on solving the global issue of wasted food” however, the problem is still not solved (Shakman). This article addresses the issues of wasting food and why it is a problem, especially in the United States. The article lists 17 trends that are involved in the issue of wasting food and how it can be changed. As a nation the United States is one of the wealthiest counties yet wastes food every single day “Andrew Shakman is a food waste prevention advocate and CEO of LeanPath. Shakman has been working at the front lines of behavior change, helping …show more content…

The article also states, “achieving this would require a 20 to 50 percent reduction in consumer food waste” (BioCycle). As the article shows not only is reducing food waste important to the environment but it will also save money. As the article continues, Dr. Richard Swannell stated, “The difficulty is often is knowing where to start and how to make the biggest economic and environmental savings” (BioCycle).

These two articles show that food waste is a major problem that needs to be solved. They also show that food waste can be reduced and would therefore save money. Saving money is important and could change our country. The United States could use the money and many different ways. Companies would also benefit from reducing food waste because it would reduce the amount of money that is wasted when food is thrown away. Many companies throw away food at the end of the night and therefore not only waste food but also money. Unsold food often gets thrown away and is wasted rather than

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