
Reflective Essay Writing

Decent Essays

Reflective Essay

Writing influences the way humans communicate. Good writing skills are essential in the working world and it’s important for our own self. The love for writing creative stories that engage the reader personally feels like an impossible task. After thirteen years of English I’ve realized that English does not come easy to me. It’s important to note that my writing skills have improved over the years. Going into my first year of college, I was nervous. I knew that my writing needed improvement. During my first semester of college, I was able to take the WAC 101 class. This class not only improved my writing, but it also encouraged me to start reading again. I look at reading as a task instead of a hobby, but I know that it can progress toward something that I like to do on my free time. WAC 101 is a class that helps develop a student’s writing skills. To measure the progress, outcomes in different areas of writing are reflected upon.
Each outcome has bullet points to break down the specific areas that were developed. The first outcome was “Rhetorical knowledge”. Rhetorical knowledge is defined by how an individual uses the text, audience, author, and purpose to persuade their point of view. At the beginning of the semester, I struggled to understand the concept. As the semester progressed I developed a better understanding of the meaning and how to use it. The writing assignment WP1, was a rhetorical analysis on a topic that was chosen from a list. This

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