
Reflective Essay 101

Decent Essays

People gain new information everyday they spend on Earth, whether they are aware or not. Students especially, are exposed to new information and ideas daily. What and how students learn varies due to the different subjects requiring a different approach as you tackle those subjects. For example math and chemistry require one to do more written and hands on practice while history and sociology calls for more retainment of materials in the course study. One subject demands something different which makes it stand out is Writing. For Writing you have to use a blend of materials. For examples: personal experiences, general knowledge on topics, practice, and effective research just to name the general few. During this first semester of college Writing 101 has been the class that require the most work from me. Not saying it was hard, which it was not at all. Throughout college you are required to compose many papers for various subjects and with Writing 101 it prepares you for the possible written assignments expected throughout one’s college career. One paper that I enjoyed the most would have to be the exploration and argumentative because it allowed me to discus a topic that I really enjoyed. …show more content…

Sports are my passion so to be assigned a paper with the topic of our choice, naturally I choose what I love. The process of choose what paper start by me just sitting at the computer and just typing random thoughts that popped up in my congested brain. Eventually after main failed searches I stopped and thought what topic to choose. What do I know about what do I like, what topic would gave me a plethora of subtopic to pick and choose from? Then I typed in to the search bar College Athletes, which lead to the topic “Should College Athletes be

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