
Red Bull 's Marketing Plan

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Welcome to the world of Red Bull, a world where anything is possible through high levels of caffeine consumption. Don’t believe wingsuiting down a mountain, parkouring the Grand Canyon or breaking the speed of sound while freefalling from the stratosphere is plausible? If rational and conventional thinking dictates everyday life then the answer is simply no. Although Red Bull strives to genuinely identify with consumers, the company endorses an idealistic world. The main focus of Red Bull’s marketing plan revolves around a creative strategy composed of an appealing central theme developed by a clear-cut tone, formulated style and memorable slogans.
Moreover, Red Bull’s ingenious advertising strategy centers on the “World of Red Bull.” Red …show more content…

Consumer’s minds are blown when Red Bull sponsored athletes such as Robbie Maddison do insane motorcycle stunts like jumping off the Arc de Triomphe at the Paris Las Vegas or surfing huge waves. When professional athletes like Robbie Maddison do these stunts, consumer’s become proud to be associated with Red Bull. The “World of Red Bull” commercials allows consumers to visualize the “benefits” of drinking Red Bull.
The world Red Bull has constructed has proven to be successful in terms of endorsement from their most valuable asset, devoted consumers. Consumers of Red Bull come from various professions, financial positions, and backgrounds. In terms of gender and age, Red Bull’s audience is quite selective. The audience is primarily young males who “live life on the edge,” or slightly older males that physically and/or mentally exert themselves. Red Bull equates “living life on the edge” to living in the “World of Red Bull.”
Indeed, Red Bull’s marketing efforts have an appeal that continuously attracts new consumers. The techniques Red Bull uses associate their energy with a “positive” lifestyle. In return, daily consumers begin to connect the consumption of the beverage with remarkable life “benefits” such as high levels of concentration and performance. For the younger consumer, Red Bull provides energy for adventurous and

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