
Red Bull May Not ‘Give You Wings'

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Red Bull May Not ‘Give You Wings' In today's world, the name Red Bull and the slogan "Red Bull Gives You Wings has been inscribed into the minds of consumers around the globe. The popular energy drink, which seems to have sky-rocketed in US as well as world-wide sales is no miracle drug, although it does seem that way by the overflowing demand. Known to many as a coffee substitute, Red Bull is able to give its buyers that extra push or burst of energy to keep their day going due to its increased amounts of caffeine, without the nasty aftertaste of coffee. No doubt its marketing strategies have made a massive impact on its increased sales, but at its start, it is no lie to call Red Bull a self-made success. In a time where everyone is …show more content…

With this knowledge, the Red Bull company knowingly began advertising at gyms, night spots, and to a very wide demographic of people. Suddenly not only athletes were targeted by Red Bull campaigns but so were high school and college students, people on the go, employees, and those who went to night clubs on the weekends. Popularity caught on quickly and many abruptly switched from coffee in a cup to Red Bull in a sleek, cool, blue and silver can. Students that have been interviewed in the past say that they choose Red Bull because its tastes better than coffee, it's the same price as Star Bucks, it is refreshing, it gives them energy to study and have a social life without the calories of coffee, and there is no aftertaste (Rodgers). It is these same students that put a trust in Red Bull to keep them energized and hyper when they need it most. At such a point in marketing, Red Bull had found its calling, so to speak, in its advertising strategies, but that did not stop them from coming up with new creative tactics to persuade more than 86% of the American public to try their ‘energy in a can' (Gschwandtner). In fact, they hired "hip locals" of busy cities known as the MET's (mobile energy team) to drive around a Red Bull logo car with daily missions that include bringing energy where it's needed, sporting events,

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