
Persuasive Essay On Public Transportation

Decent Essays

Imagine yourself sitting in traffic, you are just in your car and the engine is just going and gas is being wasted and the fumes coming out which pollute our environment. You look out and see that it is still bumper to bumper on I-680 going to work, you are stressing out because you might be late for work. Then when you go back home, it’s the same bumper to bumper traffic. All this time you could have just been with your family, helping your kids with their homework, or work on something for your job. Traffic is a major issue for 21st-century cities, it is hurting our economy and our environment. One solution to this is a major issue is to invest in public transportation and encourage more people to ride public transportation. I am calling for the Federal Transportation Administration, state, and local governments to invest more in public transportation and spread the awareness of public transportation. Public transportation is beneficial to our communities by providing a solution to traffic and the havoc it causes on our lives. Public transportation can carry way more people per hour at full capacity than the typical single-commuter car. Freeways with cars that carry on average 1.2 persons per car in medium traffic (around 30 mph) will only carry 1,080 people per hour. At max, a freeway can carry 1,800 cars per hour and that only results in 5,400 passengers per hour if there were 3 passengers per car. Compare that to the average heavy rail (BART, NYC Subway, MBTA) train

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