
Personal Financial Management

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Having heard the saying from childhood, "love makes the world go round" is enough to make one ponder, is it really love or money these days? Saturated with advertisements from retailers, credit card companies, mortgage companies and fly by night get rich schemes; it makes one wonder what really "makes the world go round" in the 21st century? Love can certainly bring a sense of contentment, but it cannot buy a house, pay the bills or college tuition for that matter. Money, however, can do all those things. Unfortunately with accumulation of money, come additional problems and responsibilities alike. Creating a balance of spending and saving is the key to a successful financial life. According to Sharon K. Zoumbaris, author of Teen …show more content…

In his book, Smart Women Finish Rich, David Bach outlines what he terms the "12 Commandments" of greater wealth. Commandment six, provides a great insight into how people get drawn into debt. "Society is designed to get you to spend every penny you make and them some. The more you make, the more you are led to believe you should spend." (Bach 2002). Bach goes on to express that consumers do not recognize how these debts or expenditures add up to hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars in additional costs when interest rates are calculated in over the long term.

Poor financial control can also result in other difficulties in life, emotional problems, relationship problems and some times destructive behaviors. With the average credit card interest rate at 20 percent and rising and overall increasing gas prices, increases in consumer goods, it is no wonder that American's suffer emotional distress and anxiety over debt. According to Lawrence, the typical household has about 10 credit cards and receives several offers of additional credit accounts in the mail monthly. In the article, Becoming Debt Free, David DeFord uses an interesting comparison when thinking of debt, "Think of your debt as a cancer. You must first eliminate it's spreading, and then you must eradicate it. Use invasive treatments to kill it." ( By accomplishing the

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