
Anxiety And Debt

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Debt, Financial stress, and anxiety are three examples of the risks of wealth, these can lead to a whirlwind of emotions. Debt can be a huge correspondent to causing these emotions. Accusations are made about how life is much easier for the wealthy. Yes, the wealthy have many more luxuries and live better than the poor, but, they are more susceptible to debt, chronic stress, and anxiety. Most wealthy people experience at least one or all three of these risks.
Many risks occur when gaining wealth, such as debt. People of high risk of often assume debts is not a problem for them. They begin to assume that they can pay back debt loans when they get more money, putting themselves further in debt even more than before. Recurrently, they will remain …show more content…

The debt might be a contributor or it may not be. In August, 2014 seventy-two percent of Americans feel financially stressed (apa). The wealthy suffer from financial stress as well as the poor. Financial stress causes health risks such as ulcers, migraines, and sleep disturbances to many other disorders that can affect a person’s daily life (everydayhealth). The stress that is caused when spending too much money or wasting money on pointless items can be tremendous money. Even if the wealthy do live a luxurious lifestyle, it soon will lead to bad side effects. When financial stress occurs, a wealthy person assumes that if paying back whatever it is that is needed to be paid back, the struggle will be fixed. Many wealthy people do not begin a realistic budget to help monitor their spending, which will help lower stress levels (everydayhealth). If people are too busy buying or spending money on expensive items on a whim and finally see the all the bills afterwards will lead to financial stress. Not everyone will experience this because they know how to control themselves. Other people have the leisure to not worry about spending too much on the latest item. They simply do not care about what happens afterwards. Everything will slowly build up and create health disorders like stress, depression, or anxiety. The wealthy may not think or have a second thought about how …show more content…

These are just three examples that happen when people, who are wealthy. Everyone can experience debt, stress, and anxiety in different ways. Everything varies for every person such as is does not necessarily have to be financially. People feel stressed, worried, or depressed, it all depends on what risks they may experience. The wealthy can experience all of the risks an ordinary person can experience, it is not just the poor who have experienced debt, financial stress, and anxiety caused financially. Everyone and anyone might understand what is like to be in debt or have stress and

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