
Personal Finances

Decent Essays

Describe how/where you learned what you know about personal finances*
Learning about money management started at home with my mother. We save throughout the year for Christmas by depositing loose change into a jar. Our savings determine what new electronics are within grasp Christmas. This taught me to become actively involved in determining how I would like to spend my money. I always research the best bargains so that this money can buy the various items I desire at an acceptable price.
I just obtained my first job and the various paycheck deductions are astonishing. This lesson is a real eye opener as I begin planning for graduation. My mother and I established a budget for the various graduation events and I am responsible for paying for those items that exceeds the amount we have set aside. My budget also centers around celebratory events in which I will receive money; like Christmas, birthday, and graduation.
My school has also been instrumental in teaching lessons about personal finances. My class competed against other schools in the H & R Budget Challenge Game. The game taught lessons about comparing bank fees and the …show more content…

Every paycheck, I give my sister 10%, 20% is deposited into my savings account, and the remaining amount is for incidentals, graduation activities, and college. Since my account is with an online institution, Capital One 360, I quickly learned to utilize the direct deposit feature. I understand that on a weekly budget of $20 that I sometimes have to choose between buying fancy school lunches or taking in a movie with friends. I am also proud to say that I treated my mother and sister to Christmas dinner and I insisted on paying the tip, and the tipping scale was a new financial arena that I had yet to discover. New money management skills are learned daily and I believe that discipline today will allow for a brighter future

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