
Get A Financial Life : Personal Finance

Decent Essays

Within the book, Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, author Beth Kobliner provides plentiful knowledge to help with financial literacy. Kobliner, a journalist, author, and personal finance expert has set this book up to answer a variety of questions that aid in a better understanding of one’s financial affairs. The questions divided into different chapters cover specific financial choices and problems people are faced with. Unquestionably, this book is useful to incoming college students, because it details how to set financial goals, manage debt, banking tools, insurance advice, and how to get the most from taxes. Fortunately, most people know what goals are and may have set some of their own in the past. However, many new college students have not had to support themselves financially or are not equipped with the knowledge it takes to form a realistic spending budget with allocation of saving. In order to determine one’s financial standing one must know their expense to income ratio. Kobliner provides a worksheet that breaks down sources of income and expenses, which allows one to see easily their monthly income and outcome. Unfortunately, the knowledge of what one spends and earns in a month is ineffective unless accompanied with guidelines to help appraise one’s current asset consumption. In order to service the worksheet she provides target ratios for debt, rent, and savings to total income. To finalize this chapter, she provides

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