
Parkinson Spoon

Decent Essays

Google Spoon Before we discuss the actual spoon, a person needs to be familiar with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is commonly signified by tremors that begin on one side and get progressively worse over a period of time. It is possible for these tremors to develop in the other side of the person as well. The new side usually is not as extreme in the loss of motor functions such as using your hand to feed yourself. (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation Inc., 2016). Google has partnered with Liftware to enable people with Parkinson’s disease feed themselves with a stabilized spoon. The computer is instrumental to noticing movement of tremors in the hand in which it compensated to the opposite direction to stabilize the spoon. The spoon’s handle is where the components are located such as the motors, computer, and the rechargeable battery. (Liftware, n.d.). The challenge is to make specific algorithms to meet the demand of the people purchasing the spoon. A person’s tremors might vary at times from mild to severe, and if the computer does not adjust properly a person will spill his or her food. This can be disheartening to the person who feels like they find something to help …show more content…

Rechargeable batteries are great, but often times their output weakens over a period of time and they have to be replaced. The computer might produce signals that require the battery to lose its power faster, if the algorithms are not carefully created and analyzed. The more reliant a person is on this piece of equipment, the more possibility when it fails the person will not know how to compensate with normal utensils to feed themselves. Nourishment is a required factor for a person to live and with this new technology doctors might learn how to alleviate a person’s tremors. Managers might be more acceptable to hiring people with Parkinson’s

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