
Life In The Glass Castle

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“Life with your father was never boring.” – Rose Mary Walls. Rose Mary Walls, Jeannette Walls’s mother and Rex Walls’s spouse, reminisces life with Rex, which included migrating frequently, refusing to conform, and advocating self-sufficiency. Despite Rose Mary finding Rex disdainful at times, she still believes that being with Rex was an adventure. In Jeannette Walls’s The Glass Castle, Walls reveals that there are turbulence and order in life, the influence of family, and how she develops as she grows up through Walls’s recollection of her life, from living in a nomadic household, where her parents neglect their children, to living in a squalid hovel with no plumbing, and finally living in New York City, where she is employed as a journalist. …show more content…

Walls vacated, but Brian has not egressed the blazing shed. Rex was walking nearby, and he charged into the shed and came out with Brian, right before the shed had burned down. Afterward, Walls writes, “Dad told us that zone was known in physics as the boundary between turbulence and order” (Walls 61). What Rex mentioned, not only could be applied in physics, but to life as well, meaning life is between turbulence and order. Additionally, in The Glass Castle, Walls and her parents had contrasting ideas of what turbulence and order were. For example, when the Walls were residing in Phoenix and had a stable home, Rex had desires to be in the wilderness. “He hated the way everything in Phoenix was so organized, with time cards, bank accounts, telephone bills, parking meters, tax forms, alarm clocks, PTA meetings, and pollsters knocking on the door prying into your affairs.” “He began complaining that we were all getting too soft, too dependent on creature comforts, and that we were losing touch with the natural order of

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