
The Glass Castle Analysis

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The Glass Castle, a memoir written by Jeannette Walls, is a story that discusses the insights of a dysfunctional, yet vibrant family. The four Walls children have two parents, Rose Mary who was an unconventional artist, and Rex who was an alcoholic father. The family travels constantly across the country, with their parents using their imagination as a distraction from their poverty. Despite the hardships the Walls family has faced, Jeanette writes her truth in order to reconcile with her past. She expresses through her story of how she has reflected upon her childhood, and how it has shaped her character in the present (The glass castle: Jeanette Walls, 2016). The majority of readers may believe that Rex Walls is an irresponsible, neglectful parent. However, Rex’s viewpoint of how he cares for Jeanette and her siblings can be portrayed as supportive, intelligent, and sensible. In the book, there is a scene where Rex promises to pay Jeanette back for the expenses he has been making to her budget. He wants the money for alcohol, and knows that as his favorite daughter, she cannot say no to him (Walls, 2005). He uses this notion to his advantage and tells Jeanette she will pay her back, and takes her to a bar. Rex uses this opportunity to his benefit by using Jeanette’s young looks to distract Robbie, his pool player friend. Rex sees that Robbie is clearly drunk and attracted to his daughter, seeing that he is attempting to take her upstairs (The glass castle: Jeanette Walls,

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