
Genre Of A Motivational Athlete Tweet

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Genre can be defined in many different ways. The word genre is something that can be very flexible; it’s not something that is classified under a rigid definition. Genre is the way you separate different things into different categories; it’s how you classify items based on something that they have in common. Also, there are many different digital artifacts that can be categorized into many different genres; basically anything can be put into a genre; my digital artifact, which is a Kobe Bryant tweet from 2014, can be categorized under the genre of a motivational athlete tweet. A concise depiction about the tweet is Kobe saying that he wanted to thank the team that traded him after they told him that they had no use for him on their team, and then he ended up winning five championships with the Los Angeles Lakers and also go down as one of the best to ever play the game of basketball. This tweet really stands out to me. It motivates me; just because someone says that you can’t do something doesn’t mean that you can’t do it, if you put your mind to it and put in the work you can be as successful as you want. As stated before, this is a motivational athlete tweet, which is meant to target the audience of either young athletes or people who need some sort of motivation in their lives. Furthermore, this tweet’s intended audience is most likely leaning towards young aspiring athletes or people who just need some kind of motivation in their life. Kobe Bryant is profound

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