
Broadcasting Discourse Community Analysis

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When watching or listing to a baseball game you can tell that the broadcasters are very knowledgeable about the sport, each team, players, etc.. However, this is something that just doesn’t happen over night since the complexity of this specific genre system inside the broadcasting discourse community. Remember that certain criteria of discourse communities according to novelist John Swales, “A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals” (Swales 220). These public goals can be achieved by genre systems. That’s why there has to be a lot of preparation by both the broadcasters and even more from those that work behind the scenes for the team to make this genre system function properly inside the broadcasting discourse community. …show more content…

Charles Bazerman in his work Speech Acts, Genres, and Activity System: How Text Organize and People, explains that genre systems are, “text is embedded within structured social activities and depends on previous texts that influence the social activity and organization” (Bazerman

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