
Film Analysis Of The Film 'Edward Scissor Hands'

Decent Essays

The film ‘Edward Scissor Hands’ by Tim Burton is seen as a modern day fairytale with the story of a young man being pulled out of a solitary life into a large town that has a very social community. When you look closely at the film you can see that it has many deeper meanings and emotions that are displayed themes throughout the film, some of these are: appearance vs reality, Conformity/sameness and Self-discovery.

Throughout this film we see the theme appearance vs reality which is shown many times. For example, at the start of the movie we see the mansion which makes the film look like a horror film but when you see it you are surprised since it has a big colorful well-kept garden and it makes it look a lot less intimidating. The most noticeable example of this theme is Edward, when you first get a glimpse of Edward we see him in a dark corner inside his mansion. He is spotted by peg who is trying to sell make when she first sees him she doesn’t feel threatened by him, then she sees that he has a lot of features that make him look like a dangerous person some of these are, sharp scissors/blades as hands, scars on his face, pale skin and dark clothes with black untidy hair, when she sees these she tries to leave the mansion but Edward tells her not to go.
"Peg Boggs: Why are you hiding back there? You don't have to hide from me - I'm Peg Boggs, your local Avon representative and I'm as harmless as cherry pie...
[sees Edward come toward her]
Peg Boggs: Oh - I can

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