
Fever 1793 Quotes

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According to, 5,000 people died because of the disease known as Yellow Fever. Matilda, or Mattie, was one of those people who got sick, and she tells us about how it is to have Yellow Fever. Yellow Fever is a fatal disease that makes the victim have various symptoms, such as yellow tinted skin, vomit, headache, nausea, and many more terrible symptoms. This is the reason I believe that the main theme in Fever, 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson is suffering. One way Fever, 1793 shows this theme is through sickness. Starting in chapter 5 and showing less in about chapter 10, the book shows how the fever starts and how Yellow Fever affects people. The previously mentioned symptoms are actually less than the half of it, with the victims vomiting blood and terrible weakness. These symptoms can easily kill you if untreated. While the disease is often fatal, some people survive, but some may say it would have been better to die than go through the disease. The pestilence can cause nearly a lifetime of suffering, from the symptoms to the dead victims. As it says on page 59, “The almshouse is closed. They want to protect their residents from the disease. So the fever victims lie on the floor of Rickett’s with little water and no care.” This shows how bad the situation is after Yellow Fever strikes. …show more content…

This book has many deaths in it, including some important characters like Grandfather and side characters like Polly. According to page 244 at the appendix, the death toll was about 5,000, and Philadelphia lost about 10% of its population, and most of the rest ran away for some time. The people who did live didn’t have it much better, though. They had to deal with the dying people and the horrid stench of death. Some people couldn’t take it, so they either ran away or kicked the ill out of their homes, so they’re not infected or

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