
The American Plague Summary/Response

Decent Essays

The American Plague
The American Plague was written by Molly C. Crosby, who is as much as a researcher as she is an author. In 1648, a slave ship returning from Africa carried a few mosquitoes infected with a deadly virus know as yellow fever. The ship landed in the New World and thrived in the hot wet climate and on the white settlers. The New World has never come in contact with yellow fever and as a result no immunities have been built up. The virus obtained its name from the way it turns the victim’s skin and eyes a golden yellow. Victims also suffer from very high fevers, external and internal bleeding, and blackish vomit. In America yellow fever killed thousands of peoples, halted trade, and disrupted the government. Although many …show more content…

“By the end of that year, it (Memphis) would suffer losses greater than the Chicago fire, San Francisco earthquake, and Johnstown flood combined.” This sentence from the book really stood out to me because it really shows how deadly yellow fever was. I have heard about all of these disasters and they must have been horrible to the people they effected, but for a disaster to be worse than all three combined, it’s unimaginable. It cost the Mississippi Valley over $350 million in today’s standards. During the epidemic, Memphis pleaded to the president for help and he responded with “greatly exaggerated”. President Hayes completely ignored Memphis and as a results thousands died. Most people who died in Memphis had minor cases of yellow fever and died of starvation because there were not enough healthy nurses to help the sick. If President Hayes would have sent in additional help, many people would have been spared a slow death. Main Street, a street that was once lined with hundreds of cotton bales, now was covered with bodies and lime to try to cover up the stench. Once President Hayes found out the actually amount of damage that was caused, I believe he must have felt extremely guilty.
The American Plague was a very interesting book that made me learn a lot and many quotes stood out to me in a few ways. I learned that viruses aren’t considered alive as well as diseases being the top killers in pre modern wars. A quote that stood out to me is when

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