
Example Of A Discourse Community

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According to Swales he describes a discourse community as a group of people that have goals, specific vocabulary, values, genres, a specific language, and criteria to get in the group. While this is how Swales describes a discourse community, Erik Borg describes a discourse community as an actively shares goals and communicate with other members to purse those goals. For this paper, I will be describing how my discourse community, a football teams, falls into the description of what Swales describes a discourse community as.
The first criteria that Swales uses to become a discourse community is to have a common set of goals that all the members are constantly pursing. For my example of a discourse community our set goals are to win football games, go to a bowl game, and become the best players we can be. These goals have brought together the set people that are in my discourse community. Every day as a group of people we come together to work for these goals. For instance, the ways that my discourse community strives to achieve these goals are working out, and practicing football.
Swales describes a discourse community of having a mechanism of intercommunication among its society. The types of mechanism that my discourse community uses as a football team are meetings, and conversation within the team. Every week my discourse community has meetings with the whole society to create change if needed and proceed with the group focus. The head of the discourse community, head

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