
Example Of A Discourse Community Essay

Decent Essays

Communities may be a home away from home for some members with their own terminology and varying degrees of formality. These groups are usually joined by people for different reasons, some ranging from socializing to the acquisition of a single dream the group shares. Some groups even have members who are either expert in their communities focus or are members who are eager and ready to learn. For some of these communities, this form of communication and other factors is what defines them as a discourse community. However, there are communities that share some trait of discourse communities yet they themselves are not. Due to these strict rules about what can and cannot be a discourse community can be hard to discern. Like, for instance, the …show more content…

It may seem that each and every member within the subreddit is working towards a greater whole, however, that impression is wrong, with the exception of the moderators. Most of the participants within the community are people who come to the subreddit to post their grievances with life and or find people who are in a similar position to them in no way are they experts on the subject of clinical depression nor are they licensed to deal with those who do maybe with the exception f the moderators. There is no greater goal, no grand plan for the community there just exists a kinship for those who need it. Most if not all members are helpful of those who post, for example, the quote below
“I recommend finding a depression test. Mine is in a book, but you can find one somewhere online. Taking the test helps me a lot when I feel that way. I know that the questions were written by people who are familiar with depression - when I get a score that lines up with depression, I know I can trust that my depression is real. When that score changes, I can trust that my depression is better or

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