
Effects Of Discrimination In Health And Social Care

Decent Essays

Diversity means to value and respect the differences and individuality of people. This means to embrace the differences between people and to treat a person’s race, culture, religious beliefs, age, sexual orientation, gender, physical and mental characteristics etc. with respect.

Equality means to treat everyone the same. Everyone should have equal opportunities and access to resources and services regardless of their individual needs or differences. For example equal access to a building for wheelchair users.

Inclusion means to include an individual within a group regardless of any differences. To make a person feel included is to accept and understand the differences that make the person unique. Making a person feel part of a group, with equal access to participate in the resources and services helps to support their social and psychological wellbeing. …show more content…

Discrimination has the potential to lead to low confidence and self-esteem and create stress, fear, and isolation. It may affect an individual’s ability to communicate with other people and deprive them of their freedom of choice. The mental and social effects of discrimination could lead to isolation from society and become depressed. Discrimination affects mental health, and as a result may affect your physical health. Reduced appetite and loss of interest in the things you once liked will affect your overall …show more content…

As a result of this type of discrimination the individual’s mental and physical health will be affected. If you are treated differently on the basis of a physical difference, you may try to change yourself through surgery or weight loss, so that you fit in with what others want or expect of

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