
Diction In The Perils Of Indifference By Elie Wiesel

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“The Perils of Indifference” by Elie Wiesel, explains the true and utter horror of indifference. There is a clear emphasis on the morality exhibited in the act as well as the disappointment in the US government’s ability to respond to such a horrible act. It is obvious that Wiesel establishes tones of morality, condescendingness, and caution through diction, imagery, as well as syntax used in the speech. Although Wiesel describes how indifference has a massive effect on the victims even though by the very nature, bystanders do nothing. Indifference itself shows lack of regard for those in need and that can be perceived as morally lacking, which Wiesel condemns in the highest degree.
Author, Elie Wiesel does a fantastic job of using …show more content…

The author uses these dramatic pictures to warn people of the dangers of indifference. In paragraph 5, the author give a clear picture of what life for the victims looked like, “ During the darkest of times, inside the ghettos and death camps…” It's hard to imagine that just doing nothing can cause such harm, but by not standing up to the aggressors, it's not preventing them from continuing the harm. Elie Wiesel describes the night of Kristallnacht in paragraph eight, “the first state sponsored pogrom, with hundreds of Jewish shops destroyed, synagogues burned, thousands of people put in concentration camps…” Even though this was only the first state sponsored program, the effects were still devastating and that is what Wiesel is describing here through the imagery. It conveys the tone of being cautionary because the large effects were still present and could've been prevented if people who chose to turn their backs had not. Finally, paragraph six does an excellent job of demonstrating the cautionary ton through the use of imagery. Wiesel explains how Auschwitz prisoners thought that it was such a closely guarded secret and portrays that here, “If they knew, we thought, surely those leaders would have moved heaven and earth to intervene.” The author cautions other world leaders here without even directly saying so by talking about the US government as if they were completely naive.

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