
Critical Thinking and Society Exercise

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|Critical Thinking and Society Exercise |
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• Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations.

A good situation that I think critical thinking could have been used for a …show more content…

The best way to avoid this would be actually thinking about a situation and acting on your own thoughts based on your own critical thinking based on facts or your knowledge. Another type of hindrance to the critical thinking process would be Assumption. This method would be assuming information about a situation or even prejudging without actually thinking about all possibilities before making your decision. The best way to avoid this hindrance would be to not prejudge anything and use your knowledge and critical thinking to base your final decision. The third type of hindrance to the critical thinking process would be Subjectivism. This would be trying to subject someone to your point of view that you might consider the truth. In the critical thinking process everyone does not have to conform to your views or beliefs and we cannot subject others to your point of view. Your point of view might not be truth to others based on their opinions and experiences. My own personal experience with hindrances would be everyday when we have our Youth League Board meetings. My opinions differ from others based on my experiences and I definitely think things through before responding. I am the Fund Raising Coordinator and I have brought an improvement to our league based on my prior experiences and knowledge. At first nobody wanted to listen to my ideas but, after dropping a large sum of money into our league account from fundraising they decided to

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