
Becoming A Critic Of Your Thinking

Decent Essays

Critical thinking is a vital task that must be done in our everyday lives. In “Becoming a Critic Of Your Thinking” found at, Dr. Linda Elder and Dr. Richard Paul explain critical thinking as “the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances”. Even tough there are many different types of methods to achieve a better quality of critical thinking, Dr. Elder and Dr. Paul discuss four specific ones in the article. All strategies, however, force you to put yourself in an uncomfortable and difficult position to develop a better quality of thinking. The first strategy is clarifying your thinking. The main idea in the first strategy is to always have a very clear understanding of what others are saying to you and what you are saying to others. Until you can clearly understand what others are stating you should never answer them. The second strategy is to always stick to the point. Always ensure that your thinking is relevant to the issue. The third strategy is to ask as many questions as you can. You want to ask a question whenever you do not clearly understand everything. Also, asking questions that are not just on the surface to find deeper understandings. The fourth strategy is to be reasonable. Admitting your wrong is a big step in being more reasonable. Having the ability to hear what other people’s opinions are, and letting their opinions change your views is key in becoming a critical thinker.

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