
Creative Writing: The Outsiders

Decent Essays

Sunshine was pouring out from in between the buildings, casting shadows all around Ponyboy and the gang as they walked to Pony’s school. They were taking their time walking down the streets and for the first time they all were really seeing what was all around them. Memories were surfacing in their minds showing them what it all meant to them. With every step they took on the sidewalk they remembered a different memory as if they were walking down memory lane. Ponyboy didn’t think it was possible for him to be walking down this street for the last time as a high school student, but he had gone through the years with great grades that earned him many scholarships.

He looked at the four of them crowded on the sidewalk around him and thought …show more content…

He stared at the empty space next to Sodapop for the longest time wishing that their fifth counterpart was here to witness all that was going on. Steve had been caught by the fuzz shoplifting just two months before. He had been reckless thinking that he was so slick, but when he would have barely been able to walk a straight line there was no doubt that he would have been …show more content…

His eyes then drifted to the last member of their gang, Two-Bit. Pony was amazed at how little Two-Bit changed over the past few years. He was the same happy, joke cracking person and that never seemed to let up. He wanted to help his friends in their time of grief and thought the best way to do so was to keep acting like normal.

Over the years he seemed to wise up and become more careful. But nothing could keep him from the occasional shoplifting spree here or there. He caught himself a girlfriend with his charm after a while and they’ve been going steady ever since. Ponyboy was amazed at how much Two-Bit had grown up. In the areas that it mattered Two-Bit was still the same person, but he had become almost a better version of himself. He was almost coming to be like Sodapop and Darry which was not bad at all.

Two-Bit was really trying to go somewhere and Ponyboy realized then and there that none of them were greasers anymore. There was a line that greasers didn’t cross, but Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, and even Two-Bit had all crossed it. This line was the rule that everyone knew about, but never uttered a word about. This line was clearly embedded in the minds of all the

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