
Corporate Social Responsibility : Marks & Spencer

Decent Essays

Corporate social responsibility, also known as CSR, is one of the most important topics in the corporate world. If a company is not public about its CSR mission or report, it could make consumers think that they do not care about them, their community or their environment. If a company does not demonstrate that have a positive view on CSR, then they could end up losing profitability because consumers will not want to support them, which could cause the company to close. These closings could be caused by multiple things, including competition from other companies that show they have strong understanding of corporate social responsibility. Marks & Spencer, also known as M&S, was established in 1884 as a local store in the UK. “As it grew, staying close to the community was important to its founders and by the 1930s the name Marks & Spencer was synonymous with trust, quality, and significantly as an employer who looked after its employees, going beyond the minimum standards for wages, benefits and care” (Richardson, 2015). For years, Marks & Spencer were known for taking care of their employees, customers, and community but as times changed in the world, corporate America changed along with it. “There comes a time when other competitors copy and look for advantage, and this was the case for M&S as other UK retailers assumed the leadership of the sector it once regarded as its own natural territory” (Richardson, 2015). It became increasingly important for M&S to do

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