
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success Essay example

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There has been a seismic shift in how companies market themselves and their respective goods and services. The primary reason for the shift seems to be a changing consumer base; one that incorporates social, environmental and ethical issues into their buying decisions. Pressure from these more socially conscious consumers has driven companies to adopt more robust corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies in order not only maintain customers but garner new ones as well. It now seems that in all most every advertisement there is some mention of the company’s CSR endeavors. Over the last few decades major corporations have shifted their focus from one of a mostly profit driven focus to one in which CSR has become …show more content…

Of the definitions above the fourth one is the most intriguing. At any given in point in time the way the public views a firms CSR efforts can change. What a company does today in terms of CSR may be out of fashion or considered archaic based on external factors such as, politics, government regulations, technology, and demographics.
Companies need to be mindful of the changing world. CSR programs need to change accordingly. This does not mean that a company cannot hold fast to the core beliefs of its owners or shareholders, but a company may risk alienating a large segment of consumers if their CSR practices are not in touch with the times or do not concentrate on the pressing societal issues presently occurring. Right now in America and around the world there is a big push from all segments of society to be more environmentally friendly. If a company is not acting in an environmentally responsible way it risks severe backlash from consumers that could lead to an economic downturn that it cannot recover from. A good example of this is BP. After the Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010, BP’s reputation

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